A Guide to Self-Storage for College Students
With the summer quickly approaching, many college students are considering what to do with all of their things. As housing contracts and leases expire, a college student must haul all of their belongings back and forth to their parents’ house; however, there can be alternatives. Renting a storage unit in your college town can be a viable option for the items you don’t need over the summer. Below, we’ve included a guide to self-storage for college students.
Why Rent Storage Space?
If you’ve ever lived in a residence hall or dorm room, you know the lack of space that you have to work with. Regardless, you still come home for the summer with more than you originally brought. Whether it’s boxes of extra T-shirts, art projects, supplies, or even a new futon, these items will need to go somewhere for a few months. Renting storage space can keep your parents’ house from extra clutter and make your move on or off-campus almost seamless. This holds especially true for those who are studying abroad for the summer semester. All your items are safely locked away and secure from harsh elements and people.
How Much Space Do I Need?
The space you need is completely dependent on how much you plan to store away. Most self-storage facilities have some sort of general guide to show what all can fit in a storage unit. For example, most 5’x5’ storage units can fit roughly the same amount of items as a small closet would. In this case, think about seasonal items, extra clothes, garden tools, etc. It may be hard to fit an entire room’s worth of items into this unit. For a mid-sized bedroom, we’d recommend a 5’x10’ storage space. See our full suggestions for unit sizes here.
Pack It Right
Optimizing your storage space is key to getting the most out of your storage unit. Often, students can fit much more than what they anticipate into a 5’x5’ unit. Stacking boxes correctly, puzzling them together, and labeling them can help you fit in as many items as possible. This guide helps you find the best packing solution for your storage unit.
Contact Us Today
Secure Climate Self-Storage provides the safest and most secure storage units in the Savannah area. We feature a wide range of sizes, prices, and types of units. Contact Secure Climate for all your storage needs today! Pack it, store it, stow it– no matter the case or situation, we’ll have the perfect unit for you.
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